What is Domestic Abuse?
It takes many forms, is never acceptable and includes psychological, emotional, physical, financial, sexual and verbal abuse. If you’re suffering domestic abuse, you’re likely to feel isolated, hurt, upset and scared.
Domestic abuse includes any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality.
This can encompass but is not limited to the following types of abuse:
- Coercive control
- Psychological and/or emotional abuse
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Financial abuse
- Harassment
- Stalking
- Online or digital abuse
If you’re experiencing domestic abuse and want advice or support, or to make a self-referral, please call New Era on 0300 303 3778 (24 hours). For general enquiries about New Era victim services please email: new-era@victimsupport.org.uk
If you want support to change your abusive behaviour, please call New Era perpetrator services on 0300 373 5772 or email: behaviour-change@new-era.uk
Online Training Available
Domestic Abuse Workplace Champions
According to government figures, domestic abuse costs the country’s economy and society billions of pounds every year, so tackling the issue is vital for the welfare of employees and employers alike.
As part of our work in the community, New Era runs free, interactive workshops– online and at different venues around Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent – for businesses and other organisations to raise awareness of the issue and to create domestic abuse Workplace Champions.
Participating employees learn how to spot the signs of domestic abuse and signpost colleagues to the most appropriate support service for them.
New Era is uniquely placed to provide support for victims of domestic abuse as well as perpetrators who recognise and wish to change their offending behaviour.
It’s a rolling programme run in conjunction with Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce.
For more information about New Era’s Domestic Abuse Workplace Champions training programme only, please ring: 01782 202222 or email: info@staffordshirechambers.co.uk
New Era offers a range of other training and support services to local organisations and groups. For information about talks and other training packages provided by New Era specialists, please email: new-era.training@victimsupport.org.uk
For enquiries about New Era victim services please ring: 0300 303 3778 (24 hours).
For enquiries about New Era perpetrator services please ring: 0300 373 5772 (Monday to Friday, normal office hours).
Support for victims
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, specialist help is available for all victims when they need it most. The service also provides a live webchat facility, which can be accessed day or night (please go to the section below – Getting help now).
- Operating across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, victim services are provided by Victim Support and are available for everyone, with safety and recovery prioritised.
- New Era aims to end relationship abuse through a wide range of individual and group support for adults, children and young people (aged four to 17), for as long as they need it.
- Specially trained New Era staff are able to help you, whether you’ve made a report to the police or not.
- New Era provides a range of advocacy services, including help with: obtaining a non-molestation and other orders; housing issues and access to refuge and other emergency accommodation; advocacy with the police and other statutory services; child contact matters and court visits; accessing counselling and a range of other services.
- New Era has dedicated specialist advisors working exclusively with LGBT+ (Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual Transgender), BAMER (Black Asian Minority Ethnic and Refugee) and male victims.
- Leaflets about New Era victim services are available to download from: https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/help-and-support/get-help/support-near-you/west-midlands/staffordshire

Getting help now
Your first step to getting help is to contact New Era
Call 0300 303 3778 and speak to someone now.
Alternatively, if you’d like to chat remotely to New Era, you can do this now by live chat.
In an emergency, dial 999.
Agency referrals: new-era@victimsupport.cjsm.net
For general enquiries about New Era’s Children and Young People services, please email: new-eraCYP@victimsupport.org.uk
Services for perpetrators wanting to change their behaviour
Anyone using unhealthy or abusive behaviour within their relationship, and wants support to change this, can access help from New Era behaviour change services. Services are available to anyone living in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent and support is tailored to the individual.
New Era services can also help children and young people (CYP) under 17 years of age who need support with relationship-based behaviour and one-to-one guidance around healthy relationships. However, our CYP behaviour change service can only be accessed via the victim service.
The support is based on voluntary participation. We will work with individuals to assess whether one-to-one or group work will be the most suitable intervention.
Our group-work based programmes; ‘Changing Direction’, ‘Healthy Relationships’ and ‘theyMatter’ are delivered using a range of evidence-based interventions. They operate over short-term to more intensive timeframes (up to 30 weeks).
A specialist Out of Court Disposal Programme is also available.
Your first step to getting help is to contact New Era.
Call 0300 373 5772 and speak to someone now.
For referrals, please email: behaviour-change@new-era.uk
This web page provides links to services offer by Victim Support
Victim Support privacy policy is available here
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